+41 (0) 26 411 33 85 info@builtronics.ch


Suivez notre formation pour machiniste

Maîtrisez la magie du Green Climber avec notre formation complète en ligne et en présentiel !

Chez Builtronics, nous sommes plus que des experts : nous sommes vos partenaires de confiance. Notre offre de formations théorique et pratique sur le tracteur radiocommandé Green Climber est conçue pour vous aider à exploiter tout le potentiel de cette technologie révolutionnaire en toute sécurité. Apprenez à optimiser l’utilisation de votre tracteur radiocommandé grâce à nos sessions interactives et personnalisées, où la convivialité et l’expertise se rencontrent pour vous offrir une expérience d’apprentissage enrichissante et sécurisante.

Formation duale

Discover our dual training

Welcome to the page dedicated to our brand new training offer, designed to allow you to get the most out of your Green Climber MDB. Discover our online and hands-on training options, tailored to your needs and aimed at ensuring safe and efficient use of your equipment.

Adapté à vos besoins

Choose the Training That Meets Your Needs

Training No. 1: online

Offre N°1

Formation 100% en Ligne

Description : Explore at your own pace with comprehensive digital resources.

Training content :

    • Green Climber usage and commissioning checks
    • Best practices for safe use
    • Key Features of the Green Climber
    • Maintenance Techniques to Extend Lifespan
    • Necessary equipment for optimal use


Training No. 2: practical & online

Offre N°2

Offer No. 2: Practical Training

Description : In addition to online training, you will benefit from a full day of hands-on training. With this offer, refine your skills during an immersive day with a Builtronics trainer.

Training content :

    • Full access to 100% online training (offer No. 1)
    • One-day practical exercises (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) for using the Green Climber in various situations.


A training certificate will be issued to all participants who have successfully completed the online and practical training. Therefore, only offer No. 2 gives access to this certification.

Earn your training certificate by successfully completing our online, hands-on program. Demonstrate your commitment to safety and efficiency when using Green Climbers.

Comment s’inscrire

To register for Builtronics training, please complete our online request form. This will allow us to send you a personalized offer corresponding to your needs as quickly as possible. All our offers are without obligation and can be adjusted according to your preferences.

Quote request for Green Climbers training
Complete this form to receive a tailor-made offer to access our Builtronics training
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
*Per training day, the maximum number of participants authorized is five. If you wish to register six or more participants, it will be necessary to organize additional practical training days.
In which language(s) would you like the training to be provided?

Contact person

Contact person for the offer: