Our machines

We offer a range of specialised machines

Whether you're a local authority manager, a landscape gardener or in charge of a green spaces or forestry maintenance department, you've come to the right place! We offer a range of specialised machinery for the maintenance of green spaces.

débrousailleuse sur chenilles

Our cutters

Discover our robust, high-performance brushcutters, specially designed for safe, efficient maintenance of sloping ground.

débrousailleuse sur chenilles

Our forestry shredders

Take on the most demanding jobs with our forestry shredders. Powerful and reliable, they enable you to efficiently manage the shredding of the densest vegetation.

mini dumpers

Our transport machinery

Simplify your materials handling with our pallet trucks and mini-dumpers. Compact, manoeuvrable and robust, they offer transport solutions tailored to your worksites.

fendeuses à bûches

Our wood maintenance machines

Choose our specialist wood maintenance machines: wood splitters, branch shredders, etc. High-performance and durable, they'll help you maintain your green spaces with ease.

Our machines by category

débrousailleuse sur chenilles

Radio-controlled brushcutters

broyeur sur chenilles

Radio-controlled shredders

Chargeuses sur chenilles

Tracked loaders

mini dumpers

Mini-dumpers on tracks

chariots élévateurs

Tracked pallet trucks


Tracked dumpers

broyeurs à branches et végétaux


déplaqueuse à gazon


fendeuses à bûches


rogneuses de souches

Stump trimmers
